Trishul 30

Tol R (Tolfenpyrad 15 % EC)

Trishul 30 combines the proven effectiveness of Imidacloprid with an advanced suspension concentrate formulation, enhancing absorption and providing longer-lasting protection. It offers highly effective control of a wide range of sucking insect pests, ensuring superior pest management and extended residual activity.


Mode Of Action

Trishul 30 containing Imidacloprid, acts by selectively binding to postsynaptic nicotinic acetylcholine receptors (nAChRs) in the insect's central nervous system. This binding disrupts normal nerve impulse transmission, leading to overstimulation, paralysis, and eventual death of the insect.


Key Feautures and Benefits

• Suspension concentrate formulation improves wetting, spreading, and absorption on the leaf surface.

• Saves money, labour, and time for farmers with its economical and long-lasting effectiveness.

• Selectively controls sucking pests, making it safer for natural enemies and ideal for IPM programs.

• Promotes better and vigorous growth with a stress-shielding effect, enhancing overall plant resilience.

• Moves throughout the plant, ensuring comprehensive pest control in all plant parts.

Recommended crops and Dosage:

CropsTarget PestsDose/ha (ml)Dilution in Water(L)Waiting Period (Days)
CottonAphids, Jassids, Thrips60 - 75500 - 75026
Rice (Paddy)Brown plant hopper, White backed plant hopper60 - 75500 - 75037
ChilliAphids, Thrips125 - 1505005

Application :

Foliar application, Soil application


50 ml, 100 ml, 250 ml, 500 ml, 1 Litre