
Thiophanate-Methyl 70% WP

Mors is a potent systemic fungicide that effectively controls a broad spectrum of fungal diseases in crops, ensuring healthier plants and improved yields. With its easy-to-use wettable powder formulation, it provides reliable, long-lasting protection against pathogens like mildew, rust, and blight.


Mode Of Action

Thiophanate-Methyl 70% WP works systemically by inhibiting fungal cell division, disrupting microtubule formation during mitosis. By interfering with the production of vital cell structures, Thiophanate-Methyl prevents the growth and spread of the fungus, effectively controlling a wide range of fungal diseases. It is absorbed by plant tissues, providing both preventive and curative control of a wide range of fungal diseases.


Key Feautres and Benefits:

• Broad-spectrum control of various fungal diseases

• Systemic action for long-lasting protection

• Easy-to-mix wettable powder formulation

• Effective as both a preventive and curative treatment

• Quickly absorbs into plant tissues, providing rapid disease control

•Offers lasting control, reducing the need for frequent applications

• Suitable for a wide range of crops, including fruits, vegetables, and ornamentals

Recommended crops and Dosage:

CropsTarget DiseasesDose/haDilution in Water(Litre) Waiting Period
PapayaPowdery mildew725 gm750-10004-8
AppleScab725 gm750-10003
TomatoRing rot 725 gm750-10007
Bottle gourdAnthracnose 1430 gm750-10001
GrapesPowdery mildew,Anthracnose, Rust 725 gm750-10007

Application :

Foliar spray


100 gm, 250 gm, 500 gm, 1 Kg