
Metalaxyl 35% WS

It is a broad spectrum systemic fungicide with a protective and curative action, absorbed through the leaves,  stems and roots to control diseases caused by air and soilborne fungus.

Mode Of Action

Metalaxy  is a systemic, benzenoid  fungicide. It is a highly  active and systemic fungicide and is used as a wet slurry seed dresser. For the control of downy mildew in maize, bajra and sorghum as wet seed dressers.

Key Feautres

• It is a highly active systemic fungicide.

• Absorbed by roots & leaves.

• It is  recommended    for application as  slurry with continuously operating commercial seed dressing equipment.

• Non phytotoxic when used directly.

Dosage & Direction

CropDiseasesDosage (gm / Acre)Waiting Period
Downy Mildew White rust Philippine downy mildew, Brown stripe downy mild70 – 1003'12 – 4 months depending on the variety
BajraDowny Mildew70 – 1003-3 ^12 months depending on the variety
Vegetables and fruit cropsRust & Leaf spot
fruit root
70 – 1003'^12-4 months depending on the variety
Rust & Leaf spot200 - 300Not applicable

100 g250 g500 g1 kg