
Letos (Clothianidin 50% WG)

Letos is a highly effective systemic insecticide belonging to the neonicotinoid group, designed to provide long-lasting protection against a wide range of insect pests. Formulated as a water-dispersible granule, it is absorbed by plants and acts throughout the entire crop, offering superior control of pests like aphids, whiteflies, and soil-dwelling insects.


Mode Of Action

Clothianidin 50% WG is a systemic insecticide that interferes with the transmission of nerve impulses in insects by binding to acetylcholine receptors. This blockage causes continuous nerve activity, leading to paralysis and eventual death of the pest.


Key Features

• Absorbed by plants and translocated through tissues, providing long-lasting protection.

• Effective against a wide range of insect pests, including aphids, whiteflies, and soil-borne insects.

• Easy to handle and apply, ensuring uniform distribution and efficient pest control.

• Comparatively safe insecticide

• Effective control of pests at various stages of their lifecycle, from early nymphs to adults

Recommended crops and Dosage:

CropsTarget PestsDose/ha (gm)Dilution in Water(Litre)Waiting Period (Days)
Rice (Paddy)Brown plant hopper20 – 2450012
CottonJassids30 – 4050020
Whitefly40 – 5050020
Cotton (Soil drench)Jassids, Aphids, Thrips, Whitefly200 – 250100076
Sugarcane (Soil drench)Termite2501000310
TeaMosquito Bug12050005

Application :

Foliar spray, Soil drenching


50 gm, 100 gm, 250 gm