
Plant fungus / bacteria are more easily controlled by using preventative measures.Healthy soils and correct growing conditions are the best way to prevent many plant problems from occurring.But if noticed, wilting mould, rust,  blotches,  scabs or decaying tissue on   plants. It's time for them with our organic fungicides and disease fighters DIZIN. Most are made from naturally-available oils and other components.

Mode Of Action

DIZIN  alters the pH and the osmotic balance of the leaf surface, which inhibits fungal spores from germinating and growing. It also damages the walls of fungal cells,   resulting  in dehydration and death of fungi and providing effective disease control.

Key Features

• Effective  controlling  a wide range of fungal  diseases   such  as blights, blasts, leaf rusts, smuts, powdery mildew and downy mildew etc.

• Efficiency Acts as a synergist along with chemical fungicides to increase the efficacy of the fungicide against the disease.

• Systemic activity and does not leave any residue on plants or soil.

• Excellent stability throughout the shelf life period, resulting in maximum efficiency.

• It is a unique and multiple plant protector which is highly effective in controlling fungal and bacterial conditions.

• Gives longer control against various diseases & degrades the bacteria colonies within a short time.

• Develops immunity power to resist further bacterial and fungal growth. Infection Immediate, Knockdown and long lasting effects.


Recommanded Condition

Botrytis, late Blight, Phytophthora,  Powdery Mildew,   Downy Mildew,  Citrus Canker,  Citrus Greening-HLB,  Fire Blight and more. Also effective against sucking insects like Thrips,  Aphids, Psyllids,  Scale,  Whitefly and Mites.

Suitable Crops

For use as a bactericide,  fungicide and virucide on all food and non-food crops, turf and ornamentals.


landscapeFoliar: 200-400 ml/acre
Soil: 400 ml / acre
CerealsFoliar: 2 lit/ acre
CitrusFoliar: 1.5-2 lit / acre
Soil: 2-3 lit /acre
Annual dosage: In spring and autumn
Fruit TreesFoliar: 2-3 lit /acre
Soil: 3-4 lit /acre
Annual dosage: Prefloral application an after harvesting
VegetableFoliar: 2-3 lit / acre
Soil: 3-4 lit / acre
Annual dosage: Depending on the conditions and cultivation
Vine yardsFoliar: 2-3 1/Ha
Annual dosage: According leaf
development, as complement of phytosanitary treatments

100 ml250 ml500 ml1 Ltr