
Tol R (Tolfenpyrad 15 % EC)

Current is a potent insecticide combination that provides broad-spectrum control of key pests. With the dual action of Buprofezin (an insect growth regulator) and Acephate (a systemic insecticide), it ensures fast knockdown and long-lasting protection, promoting healthier crops and higher yields. Ideal for integrated pest management, it offers effective pest control with minimal environmental impact.


Mode Of Action

Buprofezin inhibits chitin synthesis, disrupting the molting process and preventing pests from reaching maturity. Acephate acts systemically, interfering with nerve function by inhibiting acetylcholinesterase, leading to paralysis and death.


Key Features and Benefits

• Prevents pest development and reproduction, reducing future infestations

• Unique combination with dual mode of action

• It has systemic, contact and stomach action

• It has a pronounced phytotonic effect on plants

• Quick knockdown effect, providing immediate relief from pest damage

Recommended crops and Dosage:

CropsTargeted DiseaseDose/haDilution in Water(Litre)Waiting Period (Days)
CottonJassids, Thrips, Whitefly125050048
OkraJassids, Thrips, Whitefly75050007
Paddy (Rice)Brown plant hopper, White backed plant hopper125050020

Application :



250 gm, 500 gm, 1 kg