
Adpon (Ethephon 39% SL)

Adpon is a plant growth regulator that releases ethylene, a naturally occurring plant hormone, to regulate plant growth and development. It is formulated as a 39% soluble liquid (SL) and is widely used to promote ripening, enhance fruit quality, and control plant height.

Mode of Action:

Ethephon 39% SL is metabolized into ethylene, which accelerates fruit ripening, promotes abscission (such as fruit drop), and can reduce plant height by inhibiting excessive growth. This action is particularly useful in controlling the timing of harvest and improving crop uniformity, especially in fruits like pineapples and tomatoes.


Key features and Benefits:

• Accelerates fruit ripening, allowing for more uniform harvest timing.

• Improves colour, size, and overall quality of fruits like pineapples, tomatoes, and bananas.

• Controls excessive vegetative growth in crops like cotton and tobacco.

• Helps synchronize fruit maturity, reducing harvest labour costs.

• Ensures more consistent fruit development and ripening, improving marketability.

Recommended crops and Dosage:

td style="padding: 8px;">3846-5128
CropsTarget DiseasesDose/haDilution in Water(Litre) Waiting Period
Mangoa)For breaking alternate bearing tendencies770-10251500-20005 ml in 10 lit of waterb)For Flower induction in juvenile mango1500-200026 ml in 10 lit of waterc)Post-harvest treatment (For Uniform Ripening)1923-25641500-200013 ml in 10 lit of water
PineappleFor flower induction385-5131500-20002.5 ml in 10 lit of water
Coffee (Arabica)For uniform ripening of berries, One spray at fly pricking stage, when 10-15% berries are ripened.738-9851500-20005 ml in 10 lit of water
Coffee (Robusta)For uniform ripening of berries, one spray at fly pricking stage, when 10-15% berries are ripened.215-2871500-20002.5 ml in 10 lit of water
TomatoPost-harvest treatment(for Uniform Ripening)--65 ml in 10 lit of water
RubberYielding rubber latex--26 ml in 10 lit of water
PomegranateDefoliation for better flowering and fruit yield 1000-1250500135 days (2-2.5 ml/lit water)
GrapeDefoliation for better flowering and fruit yield1250-17507502.5 ml in 1 lit of water